Microsoft Outlook - Microsoft Outlook Express -
The Inbox - Microsoft Exchange - Microsoft Internet
Explorer 3.x
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x -
Netscape Navigator 2.0-3.x - Netscape Navigator 4.x

Microsoft Outlook

    1. Open Microsoft Outlook
    2. If a window comes up and asks you to pick a profile, click 'New'
    3. Click here and follow the instructions.
    4. If Microsoft Outlook opens, click here and follow the instructions.
    5. To get mail, click 'Tools' and then 'Check for New Mail'


Microsoft Outlook Express

    1. Open the Microsoft Outlook Express
    2. If a window comes up and asks you to choose a profile, click here and follow the instructions.
    3. Click on 'Tools'
    4. Click 'Accounts'
    5. Click 'Add'
    6. Click 'Mail'
    7. Type in your name
    8. Click 'Next'
    9. Type in your e-mail address (Note, you e-mail address is
    10. Click 'Next'
    11. The Incoming Mail Server is a 'POP3'
    12. The POP3 server is ''
    13. The SMTP server is ''
    14. Click 'Next'
    15. Click 'Log on using POP3 Account and Password'
    16. Type in your user name and password (Note, your user name does NOT have after it. Your password will appear as *'s)
    17. Click 'Next'
    18. The Internet Mail Account Name is 'Internet Mail'
    19. Click 'Next'
    20. Click 'Connect Using a Modem'
    21. Click 'Next'
    22. Click 'Use Existing Connection'
    23. Click 'Francomm' in the box below
    24. Click 'Next'
    25. Click 'Finish'
    26. Click on 'Internet Mail'
    27. Click on 'Set as Default' (Note, this step is optional)
    28. Click 'Close'
    29. To get mail, click on 'Tools' and then 'Send and Receive'


The Inbox and Microsoft Exchange

    Set A

    1. Open the Inbox
    2. If a window comes up and asks you to pick a profile, click 'New', then skip to step #1 on Set B
    3. If a the Inbox opens up, go to step #2
    4. If a setup wizard opens up, skip to the step #1 on Set B
    5. Click on 'Tools'
    6. Click on 'Services'
    7. If Internet Mail is not listed, click on 'Add'
    8. Click on 'OK'
    9. If Internet mail is listed, go on to step #4
    10. Click on 'Internet Mail'
    11. Click on 'Properties'
    12. Type your full name in the text box labeled 'Full Name'
    13. Type your e-mail address in the text box labeled 'E-mail Address' (Note, e-mail address for Franchise Communications, Inc. is
    14. The Internet Mail Server is ''
    15. The 'Account Name' is your user name (Note, your user name is not your e-mail address. It has NO after it.)
    16. Type in your password in the Password text box (note, it will appear as *'s.)
    17. Leave Message Format and Advanced Options alone
    18. Click on 'Connection' at the top
    19. Click the radio button next to 'Connect using a modem.'
    20. Click on the down arrow head next to the text box labeled 'Dial using the following connection.'
    21. Click on 'Francomm'
    22. Click 'OK'
    23. Click 'OK' again
    24. Close the program
    25. Next time the program is opened, you are ready to send and receive mail.
    26. To get mail, click Tools
    27. Click 'Deliver Now'
    28. Congratulations, you are finished.


    Set B

    1. Uncheck everything except 'Internet Mail'
    2. Click 'Next'
    3. Type 'Internet Mail' for the Profile Name
    4. Click 'Next'
    5. Click on 'Connect using a modem'
    6. Click 'Next'
    7. Click on the down arrow head and click on Francomm
    8. Click 'Next'
    9. Click on 'Specify the Name'
    10. The name is
    11. Click 'Next'
    12. Click on 'Automatic'
    13. Click 'Next'
    14. Type in your e-mail address (Note, your e-mail address is
    15. Type in your Full Name
    16. Click 'Next'
    17. Type in your mailbox name, which is that same as your user name (see note on #9)
    18. Type in your password
    19. Click 'Next'
    20. Click 'Next' again
    21. Click 'Do not add Exchange to start up group'
    22. Click 'Next'
    23. Click 'Finish'
    24. Go to step #18 on Set A

    top Set A Set B

    Internet Explorer 3.x

    1. Make sure your browser is open
    2. Click on 'Mail"
    3. If 'Mail' is not there, click on 'Go' and then go on to #4.
    4. Click on 'Read Mail'
    5. If a setup wizard comes up then fill in the information below, starting with #.
    6. Click 'Mail'
    7. Click 'Servers'
    8. Type in your Name
    9. Type in you e-mail address (Note, your e-mail address is
    10. The SMTP server is ''
    11. The POP3 server is ''
    12. The 'POP3 Account' is your user name (Note, your user name does NOT have after it)
    13. Type in you password (Note, it will appear as *'s)
    14. Click 'Connect' at the top
    15. Click 'I Use a Modem to Access my E-mail'
    16. Click on the down arrow head and then click on 'Francomm'
    17. Click 'OK'
    18. Close the program
    19. Next time you open the program, you will be able to send and receive mail.


Internet Explorer 4.x

    1. Have you browser open
    2. Click on 'Mail'
    3. Click on 'Read mail'
    4. If a mail program opens up, go to step #4
    5. If a setup wizard opens up, follow the instructions for Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express, whichever one is closer to the screens you are getting.
    6. Find out the name of the Mail program by looking at the blue bar at the top of the window.
    7. Follow the instructions for the mail program you are using.


Netscape 2.0-3.x

    1. Have your browser open.
    2. Click on 'Options'
    3. Click on 'Mail and News Preferences'
    4. Click on 'Servers'
    5. The POP3 server is ''
    6. The SMTP server is ''
    7. Check to see what you have next. There will be a text box which is labeled either 'POP3 Account', 'POP3 User Name', or 'Account Name'. Fill your user name into that box. (Note, your user name does NOT have after it)
    8. Fill in you password if there is a text box for it. If not, don't worry about it
    9. Go down to the NNTP server and type in ''
    10. Leave everything else on the screen as it was when you opened the window
    11. Click on 'Identity' at the top of the screen
    12. Type in your 'Full Name"
    13. Type in your 'E-mail Address'. (Note, your e-mail address is
    14. Type in your 'Reply To' address which is exactly the same as your E-mail Address
    15. Click 'OK'
    16. Close the program
    17. Next time you log on, you will be able to send and receive mail. Do do so, click on the small envelope at the bottom right hand corner of the Netscape window.


Netscape 4.x

    1. Make sure your browser is open
    2. Click on 'Edit'
    3. Click on 'Preferences'
    4. Click on the '+' next to Mail & Groups. If there is a '-' next to it, leave it alone.
    5. Click on 'Identity'
    6. Fill in you Full Name
    7. Fill in your E-mail Address. (Note, you e-mail address is
    8. Leave the 'Reply-to Address' alone
    9. Leave the rest of the information as it was when the screen opened
    10. Click on 'Mail Server'
    11. Type in your Mail Server User Name which is your user name. (Note, you user name does NOT have after it)
    12. The SMTP server is ''
    13. The Incoming Mail Server is ''
    14. The Mail Server type is 'POP3'
    15. Don't Click on 'Leave messages on Server'
    16. Click on 'Groups Server'
    17. The news (NNTP) server is ''
    18. Click 'OK'
    19. Congratulations, you are set up.
    20. To send and receive mail, click on 'Communicator' and then click on 'Messenger Mailbox'
